Behold Our God

Who has held the oceans in his hands or numbered every grain of sand? The answer is obvious. No ordinary human has done these things. Only God can perform these wondrous deeds. The song Behold Our God shows us that our God is so much greater than any of us can fathom. He is seated on His throne and ruling over all things. Nothing can compare to our God. We are excited to learn this song as a congregation at Rosemont on June 9, 2024. Let us all adore our God who has created all things and redeemed sinful man.

All Sufficient Merit

As we continue our study in Ephesians, we are excited to introduce a new song called All Sufficient Merit. Because of Christ’s work on the cross, we have inherited a fortune, not by works of righteousness that we have done. We have been redeemed and no longer owe any debt for our sin. Because of the Father’s sovereign plan, the all sufficient merit is now our own! We look forward to singing this song on April 7, 2024 at Rosemont.


As we enter into a new year, there is so much to praise God for. The song Rejoice reminds us that we should praise God in every season for each breath He has given to us. We can “rejoice and be anxious for nothing” because we know Christ is The Shepherd of our lives. We are excited to introduce this triumphant song of praise on February 11, 2024 at Rosemont! We hope this will be a song to help us live out James 5:13, “Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise” (ESV).

O Come, All You Unfaithful

As we enter the Christmas season, we are excited to introduce a new song called O Come, All You Unfaithful. This song was written during a time of hurt after the author lost a child. On a Sunday before Christmas, her church was singing O Come All Ye Faithful, and in her state of loss and despair, she did not feel like she was being faithful. This song was written to remind us that we sometimes are not faithful. We are weak, tired, unstable, and guilty, but God sent Christ for those who were not faithful to Him. Christ was born and slain for the pardon of those who are unfaithful. We look forward to singing this song together on Sunday, December 3, 2023 at Rosemont!

How Great (Psalm 145)

We are excited to introduce a new song called How Great which is based on Psalm 145. David focuses this Psalm on giving God glory at all times as He is a great God and greatly to be praised. David’s song of praise focuses on God’s attributes such as omnipotence, mercy, and sovereignty. We always enjoy singing songs straight from Scripture, and this new tune written for a Psalm will help us to sing a song of praise from God’s Word as a congregation. We look forward to introducing this song on Sunday, October 8, 2023 at Rosemont!

Christ the True and Better

For the next few weeks on Sunday mornings, our study in Genesis will be focused on Abraham and Isaac. The song Christ the True and Better shows how Christ is the true and better Adam, Isaac, Moses, and David, and each verse of the song highlights a different one of these men from the Old Testament. Christ was tempted, but never sinned like Adam. He humbly offered His life like Isaac, but He was the perfect sacrifice for us. Christ calls to lead His people home like Moses, and is the better David as the Good Shepherd and Mighty King. From beginning to end, Christ gets the glory for all things. We look forward to singing this song with everyone at Rosemont as we start to look at Isaac in Genesis on Sunday, July 30, 2023.

The Lord is My Salvation

As we continue our sermon series through Genesis, we are reminded constantly of how our Lord is unlike anyone or anything else. He sovereignly controls all things and carries out His plans for His glory. The chorus of the song The Lord is My Salvation asks the question, “Who is like the Lord our God?”, and the response is that He is “strong to save [and] faithful in love”. We can rejoice because our sin debt is paid in full by the Lord of our Salvation, who knew us in Christ before the foundation of the world. We are excited to introduce this song on Sunday, May 28 as we praise the God who has shown us so much grace in saving us!

Your Will Be Done

As we get closer to the Easter season, we are excited to introduce the song Your Will Be Done on Sunday, March 25. The lyrics start with Christ in the garden saying, “Father, not My will but Yours be done”, and the focus turns to how the church should have the same response as we seek to bring God glory in all things. We will also sing this song again on Easter Sunday as it focuses on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

Come To Jesus (Rest In Him)

We are excited to introduce the song Come To Jesus (Rest In Him) to the Rosemont congregation on Sunday, February 5. The lyrics of this song are a reminder for those who are weary, heavy laden, and going through trials and temptations. We can be comforted that Jesus, our Tender Shepherd and Mighty Savior, gives us peace, and we can rest in Him.